My god...
I honestly don’t think I have seen anything more ridiculous than this.
What kind of societies are we living in? People are so fucking gullible it’s ridiculous. There are a number of reasons that this is blatantly not true.
- The person who wrote it is a fucking moron. They lack basic grammar skills.
- MSN messenger uses what’s known as a .NET passport as an account. Anyone with an msn or hotmail account can use MSN messenger. If this was true, then people with these accounts who don’t use messenger would have their accounts deleted.
- If MSN was having problems with handling their busy traffic why would they want everyone to send even more useless giant messages to everyone on their lists? They have other ways of monitoring if you’re account is active, that is why if you don’t log on after 60 days they fucking terminate your ass.
- You’re a fucking retard if you sent this to anyone.
- MSN messenger wasn’t fucking working well at the time, half the world couldn’t send messages anyways.
There are always stupid chain messages like this, and half the ones that are sent are rediculous and obviously not true, but morons still send them to everyone on their lists.
IF superman WAS so SUPER then WHY the FUCK is HE Dead?